Tuesday, 22 June 2010

6 weeks in....

...and the first adjustment. Not time for a new wire yet, but the ortho has tightened up my current wire and changed all the ligs so my brace is invisible again! Didn't think they had stained that badly, but you can definitely see the difference.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010


Braceeze - in a word, no. No good for cornet playing because it doesn't set hard enough. Its very squishy even after it has set. Its pretty good for the brackets which don't have any pressure on them (for example, at the side of the mouth) but no good for the front. As soon as you put any pressure on (even slight) it squishes out the way and you are left with bare wires, which is no good at all.

The killer combo seems to be braceeze at the sides and dollop of wax over the front wire. Progress is steady but sometimes painful and frustrating. Felt like giving up last night. I am better with stuff I don't have to sight read as I have more confidence in what I need to play and where I am pitching. Progress today though - I managed to get out my first top B natural above the stave!!!

I also have my new wire installed and in a weeks time - cant wait to see if it closes the gap on the left side of my mouth between the front and side teeth, and the difference it makes to my bottom teeth, which are still a mess.

For the first time in my life I have NO gap between my front teeth!! : )

Thursday, 3 June 2010


Had an infected wisdom tooth - my god, the pain!!! It was nothing to do with the braces, but it was two teeth back from where the final bracket sits. Seven days of constant awful toothache and some hard-core antibiotics later, and I seem to be relatively back to normal. There is a small chance I might have to have the stupid wisdom tooth (don't why it's called a 'wisdom' tooth when it doesn't seem very clever to me....) removed. I have got a follow-up appointment at the dentist on Tuesday next week to make sure its all cleared up, but if they take the damn thing out I will be quite happy. Never felt pain quite like it!

On the plus side, the evil mouthwash the dentist gave me cleaned my brackets quite nicely!