I bought a Waterpik to help clean behind the brackets and I've finally managed to learn to use it without soaking myself/the walls/the ceiling/the floor etc!
I've got the 'ultra' one because it had an orthodontic attachment with it. It seems just to be a fine rubber tip on the end of the plastic tube, but it is quite effective. The first couple of times I used it my gums absolutely poured with blood (EWWWWW!) but they seem to have settled down now, and I am getting used to using it now so its a lot more effective than just brushing. I'd definitely recommend using one as its much more comfortable than flossing with braces on, and seems to be effective at reaching into places that might have been missed. To be honest, there is no point going to the trouble of straightening my teeth if they are going to all drop out when I am finished with treatment!!!
Got my 'normal' dentist check up in three weeks, and then the ortho the monday after. Have to admit that I have removed the ligatures from my front two teeth. They had gone a really horrible colour and I am having to wait 8 weeks for my next appointment. I have to have my new staff photo tomorrow and I'm not having gross looking braces for a picture that is going to be in the front bloody entrance of the school!!! As the front teeth are the ones being pulled back the wire is kept in place quite easily by all of the other brackets and ligs.