Sunday, 9 May 2010

Pre-braces playing

.... of the cornet kind.

Currently I sit fourth man down at Cambridge Brass Band. I was on 2nd Man down for a while, but after deciding I DEFINITELY wanted braces about four weeks ago I had a chat with our conductor, and offered to move down the line. We have a concert in Ely Cathedral in two weeks time and this way it takes the pressure off me somewhat. Its a good job Matt arrived and is doing a fab job moving up one (much better than me tbh!!).

I can currently play (easily and comfortably) up to a Top B. I use A on 3rd valve as the 2nd and 1st combo on my Xeno cornet is generally sharp. I'm using a Denis Wick Heritage 4b mouthpiece which I have been playing on for nearly a year now. I am hoping that the flatter rim will help somewhat as I have lost the pressure ring I used to have on my face from playing on the bog standard 4b, and playing where I am has increased my stamina and confidence no end.

So, lets destroy that by adding a ring of metal to my face.... yey.....

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